This is a blast from the past! Welcome to one of the few remaining anime character shrines on the net! Yes folks, anime character shrines used to be all the rage back in the 1990s but now we're in a new era.
Lovely Cyborg is dedicated to Number Eighteen, a beautiful, killer teen cyborg from one of Akira Toriyama's most famous series, Dragon Ball. This website first opened in 2003, already at the tail end of Dragon Ball's first (probably even second) wave of fandom, back in a time when the whole series was yet to be translated into English, and before downloading digital fansubs was second nature (I went and bought bootleg VHS fansubs from a store downtown for my DB fix)!
Having said that, Lovely Cyborg concerns itself primarily with the Japanese manga version. I provide lots of translations and scans of original Japanese material. Maybe you don't care about this, but either way, please enjoy!
2021年1月1日: 明けましておめでとう。Happy New Year. This shrine still stands. I updated the design for better legibility in areas of margins, contrast, and typography. It's still an unresponsive, Web 1.0 design, all built by hand. And I've left everything else untouched, as it was back in 2010 when I last updated. If you want to find out more about how I've been and what I've been up to all these years, visit my main site CYBORG MEMOIRS.
2010年9月25日: Holy moly, this site has been dormant for five years?! Well, it's back from the dead and completely redone! All of the sections have been rewritten or heavily edited, with new information, scans, and other goodies. Right now the Personal and Forgotten sections still need work, so expect them to get updates in the coming days. The Fandom section will have a bit of restructuring as well, to include a lot more scans and other artwork, as well as links to top-notch fan-fiction.